Series "Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft"
The series "Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft" publishes project-related results as well as monographs, including qualification papers by young scientists. The series is published by Bonn University Press, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress. It is edited by Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher, Prof. Dr. Jan Bemmann and Prof. Dr. Konrad Vössing.
Alheydis Plassmann/Dominik Büschken (edd.), Staufen and Plantagenets. Two empires in comparison (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 1), Göttingen 2018.
Der Band bündelt die Ergebnisse des Workshops „Englische Königsherrschaft im Spiegel der Tyrannenschelte“, der am 19. und 20. Dezember 2016 stattfand [Link zum Nachbericht].
This volume focuses on phenomena, structures and constellations of power and rule in the 12th century from a comparative perspective. Comparing England and the Empire is a promising research project, because the Staufen and the Plantagenets ruled over more than one kingdom and claimed hegemony. Therefore, the divergence between legality and the demands of ruling over diverse lordships can be explored. The examples of extended royal rule in different constellations, treated by international authors, show how the practice of power and the structures of rule based on legitimate claims diverge.
- Alheydis Plassmann, Introduction, 7–17.
- Knut Görich, Frieden schließen und Rang inszenieren. Friedrich I. Barbarossa in Venedig 1177 und Konstanz 1183, 19–52.
- Stephen Church, The dating and making of Magna Carta and the peace of June 1215, 53–70.
- Thomas Foerster, Crossing the Alps and Crossing the Channel. The ‘Empires’ of Frederick I and Henry II, 71–120.
- Stefanie Schild, Bishops in the service of the Staufens and the Plantagenets, 121–150.
- Jonathan R. Lyon, Rulers, Local Elites and Monastic Liberties. Tegernsee and Bury St Edmunds under the Staufens and Plantagenets, 151–182.
- Dominik Büschken, Rainald of Dassel and Thomas Becket. Two Upstarts in Comparison, 183–196.
- Andrea Stieldorf, Das Bild des Königs, 197–228.
Max Liebermann, Noble ideals in the Norman/Plantagenet and Welf dynastic narratives, 229–270. - Alheydis Plassmann, Lordships acquired by marriage. Henry II in Aquitaine and Frederick Barbarossa in the Franche-Comté, 271–304.
Dittmar Dahlmann/Diana Ordubadi (edd.), Die autokratische Herrschaft im Moskauer Reich in der ‚Zeit der Wirren‘ 1598–1613 (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 2), Göttingen 2019.
Dieser Band versammelt Beiträge des Workshops „Die Entwicklung der Autokratie im Moskauer/Russischen Reich“ aus dem September 2017 [Link zum Nachbericht]. Mehr zum Thema auch in diesem Band.
This volume presents results on the Russian autocracy during the ‘Time of Troubles’ 1598–1613 and places the power relations in Muscovy in an intercultural context. The ‘Time of Troubles’ as an epoch of a deep dynastic and social crisis is illuminated not only from a historical but also from a climatological as well as from the perspective of German-language eyewitness accounts. The phenomenon of Moscow autocracy is compared to autocratic rule in China. Extensive descriptions – including the examples of Boris Godunov and the Swedish prince Karl Filip – explain the strategies of empowerment that moved between the ancient Russian tradition of the Starina and the proclamation of power.
- Dittmar Dahlmann/Diana Ordubadi, Einleitung, 9–10.
- Dittmar Dahlmann, „Waß nun weitter darauß wirt werden eröfnet die Zeit“. Deutschsprachige Zeitzeugenberichte in der ‚Zeit der Wirren‘ (1598–1613), 13–56.
- Vladimir Klimenko, Sommerlicher Frost, ungeheure Hungersnöte und eine warme Arktis. Extreme klimatische Verhältnisse in Moskowien an der Wende vom 16. zum 17. Jahrhundert, 57–76.
- Aleksandr I. Filyushkin, Das Bild der Autokratie des Moskauer Reiches in der Geschichtspolitik Russlands. Von der Selbstrepräsentation des 16. Jahrhunderts zur ‚Mobilmachung des Mittelalters‘ im 21. Jahrhundert, 77–90.
- Christian Schwermann, Wie man „die Kontrolle in der Welt ganz für sich allein hat, ohne von jemand anderem kontrolliert zu werden“. Ein antikes chinesisches Plädoyer für die Errichtung einer Autokratie, 91–120.
- David Khunchukashvili, Die Masken der Macht Ivans IV. Die verkehrte Welt der Opričnina und der darauf folgenden Zeit im Spiegel der Vorstellung vom christlichen Zarentum, 121–154.
- Cornelia Soldat, “Dem frommen deudschen Leser zur warnung und besserung in druck verfast” or How to Restrict the Power of the Emperor. The ‘Grumbach affair’ and German Oprichnina Pamphlets in the second half of the 16th century, 155–178.
- Diana Ordubadi, Die Berufung zur Herrschaft 1598 und die Legitimation des Zaren Boris Godunov, 179–198.
- Isaiah Gruber, The ‘Messianic’ Idea of Herrschaft in the Time of Troubles, 199–224.
- Adrian Selin, Die Kandidatur des schwedischen Prinzen Karl Filip auf den russischen Thron und Groß-Novgorod. Die Entwicklung einer Intrige 1611–1615, 225–244.
- Maureen Perrie, The pretenders of the Time of Troubles and the criteria of political legitimacy. Hereditary versus elected tsars?, 245–268.
Ann-Kathrin Deininger, Könige. Konzeptionen von Herrschaft im ‚Prosalancelot‘ (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 3), Göttingen 2019.
Dissertation der Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin des Teilprojekts „Kaiser und Könige. Macht und Herrschaft im Reflexionsmedium deutschsprachiger Literatur des Mittelalters“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen, Germanistische Mediävistik).
The German ‘Prose Lancelot’ discusses rulership in many different ways using very different characters. Arthur, the most powerful and most important ruler, is the supreme liege lord and presides over the Round Table. He must do justice to both his vasalls and his knights, even if this is difficult due to different and sometimes contradictory hierarchies. His rule is only stable when he succeeds in balancing feudal and courtly norms, whenever he does not, the realm suffers greatly. Arthur is complemented by two opposing rulers: Claudas, the usurper, acts almost exclusively for reasons of politics and feudal law. Galahot, on the other hand, willingly gives up any assets in order to gain the friendship of the most courtly knight – Lancelot. Both thus provide a foil on which the character of King Arthur can be re-read.
Mike Janßen, Wie das Leben so der Tod. Sterbedarstellungen von Kaisern und Königen in der Historiographie des früheren Mittelalters (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 4), Göttingen 2021.
Dissertation des Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters des Teilprojekts „Consensus und fidelitas: Personale und transpersonale Elemente königlicher Macht und Herrschaft im ostfränkisch-deutschen Reich“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher/Dr. Linda Dohmen, Mittelalterliche Geschichte).
The death of a ruler has always been a significant event, which has found corresponding expression in historiography. Rarely were these reports on the death of the powerful written in a value-free manner. Chroniclers used the description of the death to praise the good ruler or to condemn the bad one. Historiographers were responsible for the religious interpretation and thus also the evaluation of the deceased’s deeds during his lifetime. The description of dying was based on ancient and biblical models. This study examines the depictions of the deaths of rulers from the 6th century and the death of Clovis I to Lothar of Süpplingenburg in the 12th century.
Emma O. Bérat/Rebecca Hardie/Irina Dumitrescu (edd.), Relations of Power. Women’s Networks in the Middle Ages (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 5), Göttingen 2021.
Der Band ist hervorgegangen aus dem Workshop „Between Women: Female Networks, Kinships and Power“ [Link zum Nachbericht] des Teilprojekts „Weibliches Charisma. Figurationen von Macht und Herrschaft in England und Frankreich (700–1500)“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Irina Dumitrescu), der im Jahr 2018 stattfand.
This interdisciplinary collection of essays considers how women’s networks, and particularly women’s direct and indirect relationships to other women, constituted and shaped power from roughly 300 to 1700 AD, with a focus on medieval Europe and neighbouring regions. The essays in this collection juxtapose scholarship from the fields of archaeology, art history, literature, history and religious studies, drawing on a wide variety of source types. The volume’s aim is to highlight not only the importance of networks in understanding medieval women’s power but also the different ways these networks are represented in medieval sources and can be approached today. This volume reveals how women’s networks were widespread and instrumental in shaping political, familial and spiritual legacies.
- Emma O. Bérat/Rebecca Hardie, Introduction, 9–18.
- Julia Hillner/Máirín MacCarron, Female Networks and Exiled Bishops between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: The Cases of Liberius of Rome and Wilfrid of York, 19–44.
- Lucy K. Pick, Networking Power and Gender at Court: An Eleventh-Century Diploma and ‘Las Meninas’, 45–66.
- Jitske Jasperse, With This Ring: Forming Plantagenet Family Ties, 67–84.
Abigail S. Armstrong, English Royal Family Ties: Edward I and his Breton Nieces, 85–104. - Mercedes Pérez Vidal, Female Aristocratic Networks: Books, Liturgy and Reform in Castilian Nunneries, 105–132.
- Stephanie Hollis, Dynastic Visions: Founder Abbesses of Wilton and Barking and their Eleventh-Century Successors, 133–153.
- Alyssa Gabbay, Mothers, Liver-Eaters, and Matrilineal Descent: Hind bint ‘Utba, Mu‘āwiya and Nasab (Filiation) in Early Islam, 155–167.
- Karen Dempsey, Herstory: Exploring the Material Life of Gundrada de Warenne, 169–196.
Dominik Büschken/Alheydis Plassmann (edd.), Die Figur des Ratgebers in transkultureller Perspektive (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 6), Göttingen 2020.
Der Band ist hervorgegangen aus der Arbeit der Interdisziplinären Transkulturalitätswerkstatt „Herrscherkritik/Ratgeber“.
The pre-modern exercise of power included seeking counsel. This applies to pre-modern Europe as well as to non-European societies. The present volume focuses on this specific counsellor-ruler situation and asks about methods of giving counsel, the means used to give counsel, criteria of legitimacy and competence of counsellors, and what influence proximity and distance between ruler and counsellor played on the question of whether the counsel was successful, i.e. whether the counsel was listened to.
- Alheydis Plassmann, Einleitung, 13–20.
- Felix Bohlen, Vom Mauerstampfer zum Minister – Zur Darstellung der Ratgeberfigur Fu Yue im Spiegel antiker chinesischer Texte, 21–50.
- David Hamacher, „Mir stehe es frei zu tun, was ein Seneca missbilligt“ – Seneca als Ratgeber Neros in der römischen Tragödie ‚Octavia‘, 51–78.
- Alheydis Plassmann, Wie ermahnt man einen König? Bischöfe als Ratgeber des Königs im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert in England und im römisch-deutschen Reich, 79–98.
- Dominik Büschken, Geschichtsschreibung als Ratschlag. Robert von Gloucester als Ratgeber in der ‚Historia Novella‘ und die ‚Historia Novella‘ als guter Rat im englischen Thronstreit (1135–1153), 99–121.
- Ulrike Becker, ,Prudentia‘: Kritik, Rat und Tat in Krisenzeiten, 123–145.
- Theresa Wilke, Zum Scheitern beraten. Zwei Ratsszenen im Kontext des Sturzes König Harṣas von Kaschmir, 147–166.
- Ann-Kathrin Deininger, Der Ratgeber, der lachte. Beratung und Kritik am Herrscher im ‚Graf Rudolf‘, 167–191.
- Karina Kellermann, Sebastian Brant als Wunderzeichendeuter, Publizist und königlicher Ratgeber. Der Meteoritenfall von Ensisheim (7.11.1492) und was der Humanist daraus macht, 193–215.
- Sophie Quander, Guter Rat kommt von außen. Belehrung durch Figur und Text anhand einer politischen Reformschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts, 217–239.
Thomas Crone/Paul Fahr/Christian Schwermann (edd.), Perduring Protest? Perspectives on the History of Remonstrance in China (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 7), Göttingen 2023.
arly Chinese inscriptions show that already the kings of the Western Zhou period (1045–771 BCE) called upon officials to submit remonstrances. However, it was not until the Warring States period (fifth century BCE to 221 BCE) that remonstrance was explained to mean that monarchical rule would be optimized if officials could object to the monarch’s decisions. This book examines the history of remonstrance in China from conceptual, institutional, literary, and comparative perspectives, pointing out parallels to European institutions and the expression of dissent in modern China. Special attention is paid to the historical semantics of remonstrance, the strategies and intentions of remonstrants, and the perspective of the rulers who instrumentalized criticism to pursue their own goals.
- Series Editors’ Preface, 7-9.
- Thomas Crone, Introduction, 9-26.
- Thomas Crone, A Different Flavour: The Concept of “Remonstrance” (jian 諫) in Texts of the Zhou Period, 27-50.
- Felix Bohlen, Narrative Discourses on Power and Rule: The Anecdote and the Exemplum in the Shanghai Manuscript ‘The Remonstrance of Bao Shuya and Xi Peng’, 51-78.
- Paul Fahr, Remonstrating under Difficult Circumstances: The Case of Wang Jia in
‘Hanshu’, Chapter 86, 79-106. - Béatrice L’Haridon, Remonstrance in a Declining Empire: The Case of Chen Fan, Minister to Emperors Huan and Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty, 107-134.
- Eugen Wiens, Errant Grace? Criticism of Amnesties in Imperial China with a Focus on the Tang Dynasty, 135-168.
- Christian Schwermann, The Place of Remonstrance in Chinese History: Its Function, Institutional Embedding, and Legacy, 169-202.
Mechthild Albert/Ulrike Becker (edd.), Die Figur des Herrschers in der Exempelliteratur – Transkulturelle Perspektiven / The Figure of the Ruler in Exemplary Literature – Transcultural Perspectives (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 8), Göttingen 2020.
Der Band versammelt die Beiträge des Workshops „La figura del gobernante en la literatura ejemplar: perspectivas transculturales“/„The Figure of the Ruler in Exemplary Literature: Transcultural Perspectives“ [Link zum Nachbericht] des Teilprojekts „Macht und Herrschaft in der novellistischen Weisheitsliteratur Kastiliens (1250–1350)“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Mechthild Albert), der im November 2018 stattfand.
The figure of the ruler in the medieval Occident, as seen through the lens of exemplarity and transculturality, is the focus of this volume including Hispanic and Germanic studies. With its characteristic form, structure, and thematic motives, themselves bolstered by animal fables of eastern origin, and sometimes focussing on historical protagonists from other cultures, the exemplary literature is particularly suitable for exploring ideals of rulership. The specific brevity as well as its hermeneutic range enable a concise and multi-faceted portrayal of the figure of the ruler. This presentation, occasionally guided by a contextual framing narrative, takes heed of the figure of the ruler’s personal and transpersonal dimensions in the interplay between idealisation and criticism.
- Mechthild Albert/Ulrike Becker, Die Figur des Herrschers in der Exempelliteratur: Transkulturelle Perspektiven, 9–14.
- Mechthild Albert/Ulrike Becker, The Figure of the Ruler in Exemplary Literature: Transcultural Perspectives, 15–20.
- Manfred Tietz, Die Weisheitsliteratur und ihre Funktion im trikulturellen Spanien des Mittelalters: von der ‚Disciplina clericalis‘ des Petrus Alphonsi bis zu Juan Manuels ‚Conde Lucanor‘, 23–51.
- María Jesús Lacarra, The Figure of the Ruler in ‘Calila e Dimna’ and the ‘Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo’, 53–71.
- Ulrike Becker, Der Herrscher und sein Beispiel: ‚Calila e Dimna‘ im transkulturellen Vergleich oder a king is not made by a mere wish, 73–109.
- Olivier Biaggini, La faiblesse couronnée: figures de rois déficients dans la prose exemplaire castillane des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, 113–135.
- Carlos Heusch, De l’idéalisme au désabusement. La critique du pouvoir politique dans le ‘Libro del conde Lucanor’ de don Juan Manuel, 137–148.
- Lena Ringen, Die Herrscherrede und das exemplarische Erzählen über Herrschaft im ‚Libro del Conde Lucanor‘, 149–176.
- Marta Lacomba, La construction de l’image du seigneur dans un motif exemplaire: Fernán González et le roi du León dans les ‘Mocedades de Rodrigo’, 177–192.
- Ann-Kathrin Deininger, Mental Illness, False Physicians, Fractured Bodies. The ion Vrevel in ‘Reinhart Fuchs’, 195–211.
- Christian Seebald, Exemplum und Universalgeschichte. Herrscherdarstellung und narrative Sinnstiftung in der ‚Sächsischen Weltchronik‘ C, 213–234.
- Hans-Joachim Ziegeler, ‚Der König im Bad‘. Herrscher-Exempel im Sammlungskontext, 235–267.
Ralph Kauz/Morris Rossabi (edd.), Tribute System and Rulership in Late Imperial China (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 9), Göttingen 2022.
Dieser Sammelband ist das Ergebnis des internationalen Workshops "Tribute System and Rulership in Late Imperial China", welcher im Rahmen des Teilprojekts "Empfang von Gesandtschaften in China als Legitimationsinstrument und Ausdruck von Herrschaftsbewusstsein" (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Ralph Kauz) im Juli 2018 in Bonn stattfand.
Demanding and offering tribute is a most common feature in human societies and nothing special to China. In the course of the development of Neolithic and later societies social classes have developed where persons who achieved superior positions first could demand ‘presents’ or tribute from neighboring societies they defeated and then, with the assistance of sturdy ‘servants’ from their own people. China was certainly no exception to that principle and one of the first terms for tax was thus ‘gong’, tribute. In China’s early, ‘feudatory’ social system, tribute was demanded from lower political entities, and the mutual ‘political’ relations were already highly developed during the Zhou dynasty (1045–256 BCE). This system of ‘inner Chinese’ relations became a sort of matrix when China expanded and achieved contact with countries which were more or less independent, and thus the ‘tribute system’ evolved. The individual case studies in this volume focus on the latest manifestations of the tribute system in late Imperial China.
- Li Wen 李文, The Origin of the Character gòng 貢, 19–41.
- Liu Yingsheng 劉迎勝, The Tribute System and the Dependent States of Mongol-Yuan China, 45–60.
- He Xinhua 何新華, Political or Economic? A Systematical Investigation of the Forms of Goods Exchange under the Qing Tributary System, 61–78.
- Chia Ning, The Tribute System in the Qing Dynasty: From Mechanism of Empire-Building to Origins of the Dynastic Fall, 79–98.
- Bakhyt Ezhenkhan-uli, Notes on the Early Discourse of the Qing Court about the ‘Kazakh Tribute’, 99–116.
- Zsombor Rajkai, Tribute as a Diplomatic Strategy in Early Ming China, 117–130.
- Morris Rossabi, Yongle, Tributary Relations, and Foreign Policy, 131–144.
- Britta-Maria Gruber, Mongolian Tribute to the Manchu Ruler in 1632 and the Ruler’s Gifts Given in Return, 145–159.
- Rui Manuel Loureiro, Early Iberian Reports on the Ming Tribute System: From Tomé Pires (1516) to Juan González de Mendoza (1585), 161–175.
- Wan Ming 萬明, Focusing on the Indian Ocean: An Interpretation of the Tributary System in the Early 15th Century, 177–199.
- Sally K. Church 程思麗, A Lion Presented as Tribute during Chen Cheng’s 陳誠. Diplomatic Expeditions to Herat (1413–1420), 203–222.
- Ralph Kauz, Fiction, Painting and Reality: Paliuwan in Chinese Sources, 223–232.
- Graeme Ford, The Persian College Exemplary Letters in the Late Ming ‘Huayiyiyu’ Dictionary, 233–250.
- James K. Chin, Envoys, Brokers and Interpreters: Chinese Merchants in the Tribute System of Imperial China, 251–271.
- Roderich Ptak, Xiangshan County, Maritime Trade and Local Tribute (c. 1000–1550). With Special Consideration of Selected Animal Products, 273–293.
- Csaba Olah, Legal Private Trade within the Framework of the Ming Tribute System, 295–315.
- Ching-fei Shih, A Case Study of Tribute Gift from the ‘Western Ocean’: Wooden Goblets with Nesting Cups in the Qing Court, 317–363.

Mechthild Albert/Ulrike Becker/Elmar Schmidt (edd.), Alfonso el Sabio y la conceptualización jurídica de la monarquía en las ‘Siete Partidas’. Alfonso the Wise and the Juridical Conceptualization of Monarchy in the ‘Siete Partidas’ (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 10), Göttingen 2021.
Sammelband zum Workshop „Conceptualización y normalización de poder y señorío en la era de Alfonso X – 'Las Siete Partidas' y su contribución a la constitución teórica de la monarquía“/„Konzeptualisierung und Normierung von Macht und Herrschaft in der Epoche Alfonsos X. – ‚Las Siete Partidas‘ und ihr Beitrag zur theoretischen Grundlegung der Monarchie“ [Nachbericht] des Teilprojekts „Macht und Herrschaft in der novellistischen Weisheitsliteratur Kastiliens (1250–1350)“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Mechthild Albert), der im Juni 2019 stattfand.
Las ‘Siete Partidas’, compendio jurídico recopilado por encargo de Alfonso X de Castilla (1221–1284), sientan las bases de un influyente concepto de gobierno monárquico. Estas se enmarcan en el periodo de impulso a la normalización jurídica característico del siglo XIII en Europa Occidental (‘Magna Carta’, ‘Espejo Sajón’, ‘Liber augustalis’ e.a.). Coincidiendo con el 800 aniversario del nacimiento del Rey Sabio, el presente volumen (redactado principalmente en español con resúmenes detallados en inglés) reúne los estudios de especialistas internacionales que analizan los conceptos e instituciones políticos desarrollados en las ‘Siete Partidas’, así como sus medios de transmisión desde diferentes enfoques disciplinares como la historia del derecho, la historia del arte y la filología hispánica.
The King of Castile, Alfonso X (1221–1284), commissioned the compilation of the ‘Siete Partidas’, a legal compendium that laid the foundations of an influential concept of monarchical government. It was part of a broader trend of legal standardization in thirteenth-century Western Europe (‘Magna Carta’, ‘Saxon Mirror’, ‘Liber augustalis’ etc.). Coinciding with the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Wise King, the present volume (written mainly in Spanish with detailed summaries in English) brings together the studies of international specialists who analyze the concepts and political institutions developed in the ‘Siete Partidas’, as well as their means of transmission, from the perspective of multiple disciplines, such as the history of law, the history of art and Hispanic philology.
- Mechthild Albert/Ulrike Becker/Elmar Schmidt, Alfonso el Sabio y la conceptualización jurídica de la monarquía en las ‘Siete Partidas’, 11–17.
- Mechthild Albert/Ulrike Becker/Elmar Schmidt, Alfonso the Wise and the Juridical Conceptualization of Monarchy in the ‘Siete Partidas’, 19–25.
- Jesús R. Velasco, Jurisdicción, ficción y estética: Alfonso X y la invención del derecho, 27–39.
- Susanne Wittekind, Reverencia y transcripción. Sobre la interpretación del marco visual de la ‘Primera Partida’ en el manuscrito de Londres, BL Add. Ms. 20787, 43–72.
- Laura Fernández Fernández, Folios reutilizados y proyectos en curso: imagen histórica e imagen jurídica en el proyecto político alfonsí, 73–114.
- Daniel Panateri, Lawmaking and the Normalization of Power during the Middle Ages. The Contribution of the ‘Siete Partidas’, 117–133.
- Elaine Cristina Senko Leme, La tradición sapiencial oriental en las ‘Siete Partidas’ del rey Alfonso X, 135–147.
- Francisco J. Andrés Santos, Dominium directum y dominium utile en las ‘Siete Partidas’, 151–166.
- Félix Martínez Llorente, La condición jurídica nobiliaria según las ‘Siete Partidas’: en el origen de la nobleza titulada, 167–196.
- Francisco Ruiz Gómez, La traición al rey y al reino y su castigo según las ‘Siete Partidas’, 197–219.
- José Manuel Fradejas Rueda, Las ‘Siete Partidas’: del pergamino a la red, 223–264.
Alheydis Plassmann/Michael Rohrschneider/Andrea Stieldorf (edd.), Herrschaftsnorm und Herrschaftspraxis im Kurfürstentum Köln im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 11), Göttingen 2021.
Der Band versammelt die Beiträge der gleichnamigen Herbsttagung des Jahres 2019, welche die Abteilung für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit und Rheinische Landesgeschichte in Kooperation mit dem SFB 1167 durchgeführt hat.
This volume analyses the tensions and interactions between the ruling norm and practice across different eras in the Electorate of Cologne. The ruling norms, which the spiritual leader obeyed to, were ambivalent: as a bishop he assumed clerical duties, which were diametrically opposed to that of a secular ruler. Besides this problem, which basically affected all clerical rules, there was also another particularity in the Electorate of Cologne. The Electorate also had to meet the demands of different (part) rules which did not always correspond. The aim of this book is to show the tense relationship between norm and practice as well as its interaction using memorable examples.
- Alheydis Plassmann/Michael Rohrschneider/Andrea Stieldorf, Herrschaftsnorm und Herrschaftspraxis im Kurfürstentum Köln: Einführende Überlegungen, 11–18.
- Fabian Schmitt, Die Ministerialen in der Politik des Kölner Erzbischofs Engelbert von Berg (1216–1225). Herrschaftspraxis und soziale Mobilität, 21–48.
- Philipp Gatzen, Weisungsbefugter Stellvertreter oder subalterner Repräsentant? Die Statthalter im Rheinischen Erzstift während der Regierungszeit Kurfürst Clemens Augusts, 49–74.
- Michael Rohrschneider, Die Herrschaftspraxis während der Regierungszeit Kurfürst Clemens Augusts im Spiegel der Arbeiten Max Braubachs, 75–96.
- Alheydis Plassmann, Die Kölner Erzbischöfe und das Reich – Nutzen und Schaden des Engagements im Reich, 99–128.
- Manfred Groten, Herrschaft auf den Punkt gebracht. Wo verhandelte man im Spätmittelalter mit dem Kölner Erzbischof?, 129–150.
- Claudia Garnier, Von Freundschaften und Fehden. Herrschaft und Konflikt im spätmittelalterlichen Kurfürstentum Köln, 151–185.
- Philippe Sturmel, Les relations entre la cour du prince électeur de Cologne et la cour française au XVIIIe siècle: la question du pouvoir, 187–205.
- Andrea Stieldorf, Mitra, Thron und Krummstab. Siegel und Münzen als Quellen für Herrschaftsvorstellungen der Kölner Erzbischöfe des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters, 209–241.
- Nina Gallion, Reine Formsache? Der Kölner Erzbischof als Metropolit im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert, 243–266.
- Frederieke Maria Schnack, Dynastiepolitik im Zeichen der Erzbischofswürde. Das Streben der Grafen von Moers nach Kölner Suffraganbistümern im 15. Jahrhundert, 267–288.
- Jonas Bechtold/Jochen Hermel/Christoph Kaltscheuer, Verschwunden – überwunden? Kurkölns digitale Präsenz als Tagungsblog, 291–308.
Dominik Büschken, Herkunft als Argument. Wahrnehmung, Deutung und Funktion sozialer Mobilität in der englischen Gesellschaft des 12. Jahrhunderts (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 12), Göttingen 2020.
Dissertation des Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters des Teilprojekts „Englische Königsherrschaft im Spiegel der Tyrannenschelte (1066–1216)“ (Leitung: PD Dr. Alheydis Plassmann).
In the present study Dominik Büschken uses narrative sources to examine medieval patterns of perception of social mobility, the influence of medieval interpretations on social advancement opportunities, and analyses the function that social mobility could assume for the system of society. Especially the function was not only in contradiction to pre-modern explanatory patterns of social reality, but also lay outside the perspective of contemporary writers. In the debates about social justice and godliness, social origin and social advancement were always an argument for the valid social conceptions of the authors and thus against social mobility and social advancement.
Steffen Kremer, Herrscherbesuche. Inszenierungen elitärer Gastfreundschaft in der profanen Wandmalerei Italiens (1300–1750) (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 13), Göttingen 2020.
Dissertation des Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters des Teilprojekts „Der König als Gast – Haus und Herrschaft in der profanen Wandmalerei“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck).
In the period from 1300 to 1750, in Tuscany, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy and Veneto, mural paintings can be observed that depict the motive of the ruler’s visit in the homes of the elite in a variety of ways. From late medieval throne representations, complex heraldic arrangements to early modern history paintings, the images stage the received ruler, but also and especially the elite hosts. Oscillating between historical reality and visual fiction, two types of space can be observed in pre-modern Italy: Either the painted rooms commemorate a visit that actually took place, or they create an ideal space for a potential royal guest.
Andrea Stieldorf (ed.), Macht und Herrschaft im Siegel- und Münzbild (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 14), Göttingen 2021.
Gesammelte Beiträge aus drei Workshops des Teilprojekts „Bilder vom König. Macht und Herrschaft der ostfränkisch-deutschen Könige im Siegel- und Münzbild (936–1250)“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Andrea Stieldorf) aus dem November 2017 sowie März und Oktober 2019.
Images of emperors, kings and princes on seals and coins, but also in literary texts can provide important insights into common ideas of Herrschaft as well as into strategies used to represent certain rulers. While these images may be depictions showing the sovereign’s body in festive garments and with his insignia, they may also be emblematic representations such as coats of arms. However, very often there is a connection between these images and textual elements, such as literary texts in manuscripts which are accompanied by illustrations or the legends on seals and coins. For instance, this volume provides the first in-depth analysis of the inscriptions and legends on the royal German seals of the high middle ages. It demonstrates the opportunities afforded by an iconographic approach, for example when analysing coin designs or the ways in which female Herrschaft may be depicted in a visual medium. Again and again, it becomes apparent that visualising concepts of Herrschaft works in similar ways across the different media in which they are addressed.
- Andrea Stieldorf, Urraca, Mathilda, Konstanze und Co. Königinnen des 12. und beginnenden 13. Jahrhunderts im Münzbild, 11–38.
- Torsten Fried, Lindwurm, Stier und Greif. Herrscherliche Münzbilder im südlichen Ostseeraum um 1200, 39–65.
- Sebastian Steinbach, Monetäre Herrschaftszeichen. Insignien königlicher Macht auf europäischen Münzen des Hochmittelalters (ca. 1050–1250), 67–99.
- Hubert Emmerig, Die Salzburger Münzprägung um das Jahr 1000. Denare, Münzprivileg, Interpretation, 101–136.
- Elke Brüggen/Jasmin Leuchtenberg, Weibliche Herrschaft in Text und Bild. Überlegungen zum ›Eneasroman‹ Heinrichs von Veldeke, 137–201.
- Harald Drös, Text und Anordnung der Inschriften in Herrschersiegeln des 10. bis 13. Jahrhunderts, 203–242.
- Karina Kellermann, Gerupfte Adler und kämpfende Löwen. Wappenallegorien in der deutschsprachigen politischen Kleindichtung, 243–280.
- Francesca Soffientino, Staufersiegel. Vorlage, Bildtradition und Nachleben, 281–309.

David Hamacher, Prekäre Divinität. Untersuchungen zur Vergöttlichung des Herrschers im römischen Prinzipat (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 15), Göttingen 2023.
As a political issue, the divinity of the Roman emperor has been mostly studied in terms of its constructive (i. e. rule-stabilising) effects. In contrast, this study offers different perspectives bringing its inner conflicts and contradictions to light. Aiming for deification, the ruler remained bound to the senate, which officially had to decide in this matter. The negotiations that come into focus in this context can contribute to a better understanding of power and domination in the Roman principate of the first two centuries AD.

Svenja Trübenbach, Meeting Maximilian. Der Besuch des Habsburgerherrschers im Spiegel profaner Wandmalerei (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 16), Göttingen 2023.
The ruler’s visit was a highly honorable event that can be traced both as an occasion and subject already in the earliest secular wall paintings of the Middle Ages. Svenja Trübenbachs study examines this phenomenon for the first time concerning the famous Habsburg Maximilian I. The focus is on the pictorial programs of the castles and houses in which the Holy Roman King and later Emperor was or was to be (presumably) received. With which images did the owners react to the visit, how did they use them to recommend themselves and their house? What ideas of royal and imperial power do the paintings reflect, and where did the clients place themselves in this regard? Last but not least, the question arises as to what role Maximilian’s stay and the murals played for the hosts’ own power.
Content will be added soon.

Sophie Charlotte Quander, Auf der Suche nach Re/formen. Literarische Wege der Selbstlegitimation in der ›Reformatio Sigismundi‹ (1439) (Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft 17), Göttingen 2023.
What does it take for a reform to succeed? The ‘Reformatio Sigismundi’ (1439) seems to pose this question regarding its own literary form: its anonymous author presents his ideas in German while enriching them with vernacular elements from sermons, prophecies and political publicity. Thus, in the midst of the Latin debate on a reform of church and empire at the Council of Basel, emerges the very first comprehensive reform text in German. So far, it remains unanswered why the anonymous author chooses the vernacular and how the change of language affects the argumentation and intention of the text. This study is the first to examine the ‘Reformatio Sigismundi’ from a literary perspective testing different philological methods in working with historical sources.
Content will be added soon.